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Illustration has been inherent to me since I can remember. I think it saved me from something, although I don’t really know what, I’m still working on it with my psychoanalyst.

I enjoy creating characters and have a penchant for detail. Some people tell me that I am only in silence when I draw. In my creations you will see a brushstroke of humour, but in real life I am melodramatic.

When I talk about family, I paraphrase Miguel de Cervantes: «In all houses they cook beans; and in mine cauldrons» (Don Quixote II 13). We are three sisters, I am the middle one. At home I always stood out for being the first to finish the chocolate. I come from a matriarchy: my mother was widowed when we were children, so while she grew professionally, I drew in her absence. When my mother come home, she found a stack of pages on her table, every day.